Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Which Spells, Can They Change Your Life?

Well there are some that would agree and some would say that you’re full of it. Ask a witch and they are sure to tell you they work. I’m here to confirm it.

At the very least, I know that learning about then changed the way I approach different areas of my life.

It’s a more organic and natural approach to things. After all the origins of the Craft are in nature it so there must be something to it. The use of the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, spirit, all combine to create something. It’s what the New-Agers all call the law of attraction, only more.

Using our inherent connection to nature we are more inclined to flow in a natural state. Being more aware of the possibilities and potential around us. To see beyond the usual and the mundane.

During my years as a student of The Craft, I was to bear witness to a great many things that years before I would have said were impossible. Yet they happened. It was to be that way for the five years I was the student of a third degree high priestess, white witch.

The first thing she taught me was patience. Oh did I learn patience.I was wanting to get into the witch spells and potions part before my time. Running before walking you could say. Without a leg to stand on and the dangers of it were explained to me by a friend of hers that she introduced me to. He told a story of when he had first been learning on the Isle of Mann in England as a young man. He and a friend had gone to perform a ritual in a cave without the necessary knowledge of what they were to do, not fully. Well only one of them came out of the cave. So yes the information that you acquire from learning about witchcraft can have dire consequences.

My advice is to learn as much as you can first before getting too out of hand. Not to frighten you or anything, but forewarned is forearmed. Like any other craft or skill there is preparation involved. It would be a while before I performed my first spell, and even then not alone.

I got a good understanding first of what was what. The differences between invocation and evocation, elementals and different herbs and their uses. Plants and what they represented or could be used for. Tools and focusing, why they were important and why eventually I would no longer need them.

All in all it was a great learning experience that opened my eyes to possibilities. Both inside myself and in the world around me. I’ll tell you a walk in the woods was never the same after that first year.

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